Fun things about my job:
BBQ's at State Representative's houses
Working with GREAT people
Actually doing important things with my life (ie saving the environment)
Being fancy (organizing press conferences, doing media work, getting my social justice on)
Things I am still adjusting to:
Working 15 hour days
The "grassroots" part of grassroots organizing
Things I am REALLY excited about:
When I get my first paycheck! Cross your fingers for Monday!!!
So, long story short: I am working and loving it! I can't believe they let college post-grads run around and have this kind of responsibility and clout in the political arena... I should tell my cousin Ben about this job, he seems like the type to do well here.
Ummm, other stuff? Not really. I like Carmichael (where I live with my roommate I never see but love very much), and I really like my office. The actual building is what is left of an old 1890's Victorian mansion! I will put up some pictures when I have time. It really is a trip to go in to work and have a major part of your office be someones old kitchen (complete with drawers that stick) and notice that the bathroom has an ancient claw-footed tub in it. The building is in mid-town Sacramento, conveniently located next to a strip club called "Cheaters" (Klassy!), which comes in handy after a 15 hour day when all you want is to have a few beers with your coworkers, AND be drenched in flattering red-light ambiance.