Sunday, August 30, 2009

Boston... the blog

This is Landsdown street next to Fenway park... apparently very famous as it was home runs hit onto this street that caused the creation of the "Green Monster" (or 'Mon-stah', if you're from Boston).

This is me eating a Fenway Frank. Look how stupid happy I look! My priorities in life are obvious.

Me, raising a glass of Sam Adams Boston Lager. Once again... my priorities are painfully shallow.

My friend Shannon (the other director in my office) and the other girlie's of Boston '09.

I should explain: Lobster in Boston is like Chicken everywhere else; cheap and ubiquitous! This is a Lobster Roll, a Boston staple like chicken salad is everywhere else. This was bought in a supermarket and was $2. It was chock-full of gigantic lobster chunks and was unbelievably great!

We went to Harvard!!!

The Harvard Library: Nicer than yours.

All Harvard. They aren't joking, they really are better than us. A lovely, old school (see plaque below for dates). But there was a startling lack of Ivy. I had to seek some out...

Seriously, the only Ivy I found at this Ivy Leage school!

The Charles River. Named after King Charles, right next to Havard and a fine representation of Boston's landscape.

We went on a tour of Fenway park. It's REALLY old! These seats are original from the 1910's.

This is me with the "Green Monster". It's the Left field foul wall behind me. I never knew THAT'S what it is, I thought "Green Monster" was the field itself. Nope!

I think my wanderlust is fading because everything is starting to look the same. If you take out the buildings in the background, this could be Amsterdam.

Olde-Tyme Court House, with modern Boston built up around it.


Beer beer beer!

Why can't we step up our Beer game here in California? We went to a brewery in Boston (btw: breweries in Boston are like Starbucks out here, one on every corner) and they had this amazing beer pictured above. Its a micro brewed Heffewisen with blueberry extract added during the fermentation process! Then, they serve it with Blueberries IN the glass! Genius!!!

The clam chowder in Boston does not disappoint! BUT! It is SUPER clammy, like it's hard for a west-coaster to handle. Tastes of the Atlantic... I'll let you ponder if that's good or bad.

This is at that same brewery. It turns out, they give you free samples of any and ALL beer you ask for! Shannon and I are sporting the "Cherry Bomb". Same principle as the Blueberry beer: Cherries are added during the fermentation process so the beer comes out red (see above) and tasting ever-so-slightly of cherries. Genius.
There are no more pictures after this one because this is when we discovered the free beer samples and I had the (amazingly prudent) foresight to put away my camera before things went nuts for the two ladies pictured above!

So that was Boston! It was never on my list of places to visit but after going, I realize it totally should have been! It's a great, great town with a lot of character, super beer, an idiot-proof public transportation system, tons of history and a Dunkin' Donuts every 6 feet... whats not to love?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back from Boston!

Pictures are comming; but the important thing you should know up front is that I am now a HUGE Red Soxs fan!!! I went to a game at Fenway park and this is what happened:

It's called a "bench clearing brawl"... awesome! Anyways, pictures are coming as is a breakdown of my time in Boston.