Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hawaii 2010!!!

A huge bowl of Saimin noodles. And look at my pretty dress! I love trawling through Crossroads Trading Company for crap I don't need; so this whole trip was a great excuse to wear all the crap I buy there.

The view from our hotel in Waikiki! This is Queen's Beach, it's always sunny and I had no qualms about spending 6 consecutive hours in the sand getting my tan.

The balcony from our hotel room in Waikiki. Also, another great example of dress-prettiness.

This is in North Hilo on the Big Island. Soooo beautiful. Moving here is my new long-term goal.

All the above are from North Hilo. This here is a Banana tree. Those purple things are baby bananas!

All the above are from the Jungle outside of Hilo, on the Big Island. Love, Love, Love.

Local flora. "Bird of Paradise", just hanging out.

More local flora. A "Hibiscus" flower. They live here!

Baby pineapple! In a pineapple patch right outside the door of my friends house! These are "White Pineapples"... they are small, have white flesh and make regular pineapples taste like poison!

This is the kind of Hawaii I like! Ponies in green rolling hills!

Oh did I mention I stayed on a farm out in Hawaii? Here are some sheeps!

Hawaiian farm chickens! Eggs taste better on the Big Island.

Hawaiian Pony with a "Roodle" (1/2 Rottweiler, 1/2 Giant Poodle). Loooove Roodles!!!

This is the biggest flower I've ever seen in my whole frakking life! I had to take a picture of it! Someone was randomly taking a machete to the brush around his barn and found it just growing!

*Le Sigh*

Hapuna Beach, Kona, Big Island... my future home.