Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Reading

Much of Navy life revolves around a “hurry up and wait” mentality. We had literally thousands of pages of information to absorb to get through Corps School in the allotted time. Same here at “C” school. But we only get the material when we “class up” (start class), so when we are stuck on hold for months at a time it’s hard to shut down that section of your brain that’s responsible for mass information input.
When not actively in class, I kept my brain occupied by reading. A LOT. If you are looking to pick up a book, here are some recommendations.

As you can see, it gets five out of five stars! Amazing book! It took everything I liked about being an International Relations major in college and then added Zombies. What’s not to like? This was the best book I’ve read in the last six years.
It is incredibly well researched.  From the military slang and minutia (Zombie-proof Battle Dress Uniforms?!?) to the hyper-xenophobia indicative of North Korean foreign policy, the author put in the TIME!
I would recommend this book if you like: International Relations, Public Health Scares, Zombies, Complaining About the Military, Whales, Blind Japanese Guys Who Are Awesome, Marines, Psychology, The Chinese Navy, Hard Choices, Dogs, Zombies As A Metaphor For the Recession.

Only gets 4 stars as it’s more of an encyclopedia than literary work. It’s outstanding to read in chunks in between other tasks.
If you like: Etymology. This is different from Entomology. Which I learned in this book of Etymology.   

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