Sunday, January 23, 2011

Corps School

Naval Hospital Corps School is where I went to be basically trained as a Corpsman. It consists of a 4 month didactic (book learnin’) portion, and two weeks of clinical. We learned basic Anatomy and Physiology, Nursing Care, Tactical Triage and Combat Care, Pharmacology and basic EMT training. A Corpsman is like a mini-Doctor, hence, the appellation “DOC”. We can give you an IV, insert a catheter, stitch you up, we run sick-call, deliver babies and give basic medical assistance to military personnel. A few lucky ones get to go with the Marines and get crazy good experience.
I loved my time at NAVHOSPCORPSCHOOL. It was challenging, exciting and I learned more than I ever thought I could. I met some amazing people both students and instructors. Here are some pictures.
In case you thought the Navy was all work and no play...

...this proves otherwise!

My whole class. 170-A. Our beloved instructor is the diminutive Phillipino man in the center.

Some Graduation fun! We now all have a caduceus on our sleeve.

This is when I first arrived at Corps School. Note the amazing Navy haircut I'm sporting!

This is an example of "Mando Fun". I'm in my dress whites, in the second row from the bottom.

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