Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I guess me eating all their foodstuffs didn't scare them off!

I got a job!

I am a Lead Director for that Environmental Advocacy group I interviewed with twice. While positions are available all across the country, I asked to stay in Sacramento for the first year (free rent with mom!). After that, I can pick what office I want to go to: Manhattan, Chicago, New Orleans, Boston, Charleston, Austin, Atlanta, San Diego, LA or San Francisco.

I will be hiring, training and running a staff of 20-40 people who will be contracted out by various environmental groups like Sierra Club, CALPRIG, and the World Wildlife Foundation. But you may be asking (like Neal did), "Nekayah, are you qualified for this?". Actually, Neal phrased it more like "Holy S&*tballs, they put you in charge of people?". Regardless! I will be attending a 6 week training program in Boston to prepare me for the job. So suck it Neal.

The best part? I told them I couldn't start until I got back from Europe and they said okey-dokey. So, this means I get to see Europe AND be gainfully employed when I get back!
I will stop gloating as I don't want to tempt the fates, but I will say this: I feel so very, very blessed (and relived) that this all just might work out.

Keep checking back for updates on Europe and the cute clothes I will now get to buy because I have a real-person-grownup job!

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